Dana Goode


Dana Goodeviolin, began touring and performing at age 16 as a member of a chamber ensemble  directed by the brilliant Latvian cellist Lev Aronson. Early concert locations included the amphitheater at Carthage in Tunisia, St. Cecilia’s in Rome, and performances in Athens, Greece. The group also toured Israel and Jordan. Ms. Goode relocated to Germany to study with Dr. Guenther Kehr, founder and conductor of the Mainzer Kammerorchester. While a member of the Staedtisches Orchester Mainz, she continued her studies at the Accademia Chigiana in Siena, Italy. After returning to the U.S., she completed a Bachelor of Music degree at the Peabody Conservatory, as a student of Berl Senofsky, and a Master’s Degree in Violin Performance (’86) with Mitchell Stern of the American String Quartet.

Ms. Goode also holds an M.A. degree from St. John’s College in Annapolis). A former faculty member at Morgan State University, Loyola University, and Notre Dame of Maryland, she continues to teach at Stevenson University, where she is concertmaster and assistant conductor of The Greenspring Valley Symphony, led by Dr. Harlan Parker.

A member for many years of the Baltimore Opera Orchestra, Ms. Goode’s extensive experience includes performing with Annapolis Opera, Baltimore Symphony Orchestra, Delaware Symphony, Washington Concert Opera and  National Chamber Orchestra in addition to several local chamber ensembles,  She has served on the Board of Directors of the National Music Festival, and has been mentoring in the festival since its inaugural season in Floyd, Virginia.