Instrument Loan Program
Violins, violas, and cellos are available on loan to students who need them! First priority goes to students currently enrolled in Phase 3 or 4 of the Fiddlesticks! Youth Strings Program (students in Phase 2 are not eligible), and second priority to recent graduates of the Fiddlesticks! Program. Loans are also available to other children in Kent County. Please contact with any questions or to discuss obtaining a loaned instrument for your child.
The fine print: parents of students who accept a loaned instrument must sign a contract in which they agree: to return the instrument in the same condition in which it was loaned out, and to be responsible for the cost of repairing or replacing the instrument if it is damaged or destroyed during the loan period. Students are required to fill out a weekly practice log, which parents must sign off on.
We are currently accepting donations of used but playable instruments to add to our instrument bank! We accept any orchestral instrument (not just strings!) so long as it is in playable condition.